Unwavering with Dr. Jason Piccolo

Having the moral and ethical courage to stand in the gap when you are witnessing an injustice is difficult for anybody, but when you work for the federal government everything is being placed on the line. My guest today is Dr. Jason Piccolo. He has been a federal agent for over 20 years, a military veteran, an author of two books, a podcaster, and most definitely a patriot. On today's show, Jason shares his story and how he learned to make difficult at times unpopular decisions for the good of humanity. Jason is a hard charger that is always pushing the envelope and setting the bar high.

Jason's new book, "Unwavering: A Boarder Agent's Journey" has just been released. This book goes in-depth about Jason and the difficult decision he faced to bring an injustice to light at the highest level of the federal government. Some would label him a whistleblower but due to his courage, grit, and commitment to the oath he swore to, Jason spoke up and was able to impact countless immigrant children who were being placed with criminals when crossing the border into the United States. I just you will enjoy this conversation and maybe a new perspective.

Dr. Jason Piccolo Website: https://jasonpiccolo.us/

Dr. Jason Piccolo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjasonpiccolo/

Dr. Jason Piccolo Twitter: https://twitter.com/DRJasonPiccolo

Dr. Jason Piccolo's Book: Unwavering: A Border Agents Journey

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