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Meet Your Host: Steve Hallman

“I believe that a natural inclination to be comfortable is the very thing that prevents so many people from becoming all that they were designed to be. At the center of this battle against complacency is my faith and understanding that in and of my own strength I am incapable of victory in this world.”

Steve’s careers in elementary education and law enforcement have taught him that to find meaning in our pursuits we need to embrace humility, ask better questions, and listen more. Listening to the wisdom of others has inspired Steve to exercise self-discipline, pursue truth through faith, and maintain high levels of integrity, which have resulted in greater resilience in the face of life’s interruptions.

“I cannot avoid every interruption in life, but I am able to have a positive perspective and execute tactics that will enable me to move past the difficult ones.”

Steve Hallman is a devoted husband, father of three young children, avid outdoors man, and founder of the Interrupted Movement.

Stephen Hallman Stephen Hallman

Emotional Intelligence with Eric Rittmeyer

Today’s guest, Eric Rittmeyer is a former US Marine and an expert in the fields of mental toughness and emotional intelligence. He’s been a professional speaker for the past decade, and is a regular guest on all of the major television outlets including Fox, CNN, NBC and ABC. Eric’s also the author of the book “The Emotional Marine – 68 Mental Toughness and Emotional Intelligence Secrets To Make Anyone Instantly Like You”.

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