Emotional Intelligence with Eric Rittmeyer

Today’s guest, Eric Rittmeyer is a former US Marine and an expert in the fields of mental toughness and emotional intelligence. He’s been a professional speaker for the past decade, and is a regular guest on all of the major television outlets including Fox, CNN, NBC and ABC. Eric’s also the author of the book “The Emotional Marine – 68 Mental Toughness and Emotional Intelligence Secrets To Make Anyone Instantly Like You”. He speaks to audiences all over the country, teaching executives and sales professionals how to overcome the limits brought on by fear and emotions, and replace them with clear, concise critical thinking that gets results.  

He also uses his platform to spread the word about the pro-police movement sweeping across the nation called “We Back Blue” where he serves as the Director of Communications. Their mission is to let law enforcement know we love, honor, and support them unconditionally.  

 Eric Rittmeyer, Mental Toughness and Emotional Intelligence Expert

Web – www.MentalToughnessSpeaker.com 

Email – eric@mtspeaker.com       

FaceBook - www.facebook.com/MentalSpeaker

Instagram - www.instagram.com/ericrittmeyer 

 Resource: https://www.kevinhinesstory.com/

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