“Are We Better Than This?” with Host Steve Hallman

Have you heard this statement? We are better than this.  Are we? Steve Hallman, host and founder of The Interrupted Podcast shares some thoughts about the current volatile and divisive climate we are experiencing in society. The unrest and uncertainty that we see everyday can be extremely interrupting and cause us to drift off course if we are not committed to discipline, and growing our capacities in every domain of life. If we are going to be better than what we are seeing and experiencing we have to take action and intentionally take steps to "do better." Steve shares a few tactics for growth in episode 25.

Additionally, Steve lays out what listener can expect to hear on The Interrupted Podcast in 2021, and he casts some vision for the Interrupted movement. Complacency must die, and a commitment to Truth, discipline, and integrity must win the day. Enjoy this first episode of 2021.

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Leading With Expectations and Communication With Timothy Pachasa


Exceeding Joy